D&D Character Creator

My First Project. BASK IN IT

The following video is a user test performed on myself for the purpose of testing my high-fidelity D&D character creator prototype. The following were the story scenario and five tasks that the user role was tp fulfill during the test. The prototype was designed using Figma and PowerPoint.

General Knowledge


I understand that user experience is at the core of interaction design. Amongst all of the terms I have come across that refer to user centered design (User Experience Design (UX), Interaction Design (IxD), Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and Human-Computer Interaction Design (HCId)) , one idea has stuck out throughout my learning. That idea being the way of living for a user. It seems that fitting an application not only to be user friendly, but also fitting it with consideration to the way people carry about their lives is the key to making it usable for those people. In such a way that makes the application usable in the sense that it feels natural to a user going about his/her life when coming across the need for the application in question. I want to understand the perfect balance between usability, functionality, and familiarity. This idea has driven my passion for the field of Human Computer Interaction and Extended Reality application development.

Donovan on Graduation Day - Gonzaga University
My Resumé